July Column
Marine Day-Gifts from the sea, pearls.
Thankful to the sea
It's been a hot day since the end of Golden Week, but how are you doing?
Do you know what day July 23 is?
It's Marine Day.
Did you know that Japan is the only country in the world that has "Marine Day" as a holiday? Marine Day, which has become a national holiday for "thank you for the benefits of the sea and wish for the prosperity of Japan, a maritime nation," is designated as the first Monday of the month. How do you plan to spend this year's Marine Day? Let's take this opportunity to think about what we can do with us to protect the marine environment in a slightly different day than usual.
This year, various changes are appearing worldwide due to the influence of the new coronavirus. People spend more time at home because they are refraining from going out unnecessarily, and the amount of garbage discharged at home is increasing rapidly. The most prominent of these is the amount of plastic products emitted.
Recently, I think you often see or hear the word "3R" on TV and advertisements.3R means "Reduce", "Reuse", and "Recycle". The 3Rs are all devised to prevent the generation of plastic waste, and in some cases, they explain how to use them as resources. Being aware of this will also lead to the reduction of marine plastic waste. Specific methods include reducing shopping bags and disposable tableware by bringing my bag and disposable chopsticks, and reusing bottles by using refills and reducing waste bottles. Recycling is a method of separating and collecting plastics and reusing them as raw materials. Everything can be done with a little change in behavior or consciousness, and it is also an easy way to work. By taking a little conscious action in our living environment, the marine environment and the global environment will improve.
The most important thing to consider in the pearl farming we are involved in is the marine environment. You need a beautiful sea environment to make pearls. The calm tide, stable sea temperature, abundant plankton and the environment are just a few. In order to protect the marine environment suitable for making pearls and continue to deliver it to our customers, we will continue to strive for marine environmental protection activities.

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